Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Baby boy is in Ghana!!

This is Zach's first picture in Ghana!! Can you find him?? You get two guesses!! ha ha!! This is his MTC group. The couple on the left are the new MTC president. The couple on the left are the old MTC president. He looks happy and that makes me happy. I will update you a little on the week of his leaving. We took him to every eating place he even thought he might like before he left. He actually was sick of eating out by wed. We did alot of last minute running to get odds and ends he needed and I cried a bit at times. My other kids said I was "spontaneously combusting" Zach and I would be in the car and he would be jabbering away (not often for him) and I would start thinking "this won't happen for a couple of years" and yep... the tears would start. I couldn't help it. Wednesday I woke up with my stomach in knots, knowing this was his last day at home. I did my best to get through the day. That evening we went to the Cheesecake factory, it was awesome. It was a nice evening together. Around 8:45 the Stake president came over to set him apart. Yeah, you guessed it I was doing all I could to not fall apart. He received a beautiful blessing. Our Stake president is kinda new and doesn't know Zach and yet said things about him that only someone who spent time with him would know. He told him his call to Ghana was because of the choices he had made in his life, that it was a very special call that few US boys get. (look at the picture, only 2 this transfer). Zach was a little leery when he blessed him that he would have no long term problems from his service in Africa, Zach wanted to know about the short term illnesses!! So we finally went to bed that night with Zach all packed up. Tiffany and Ryan spent the night so that Tiff could go to the airport with us. At the ticket counter we incurred a slight problem and Salt Lake fixed it quickly, but while we were standing there a lady at the counter next to us tapped me and said I am praying for you. I am a mom who has sent her boys off to serve and I know how hard it is. OK, I bet you can't ever guess what I did??? Yep cried once again. The ticket lady looked at Donnie, me and Tiff and said I will give you one gate pass to walk with him, I looked at Donnie with such a desperate look what could he do but say "it's hers". Come on he has teased me for years that Zach is my baby, so of course it should be mine. I wanted to tell him so many things before he got on that airplane and I couldn't get any of them out. I am so proud of him for being so willing to go serve this mission. He has never faltered or questioned going. He was actually so excited I don't think he even thought about the fact that he wouldn't see us for 2 years. Donnie said at some point he will probably feel a little homesick. I'm not so sure! It was the greatest, saddest day for me. His room is so clean and so empty. We got to talk to him for just a short time on Friday from the MTC. He sounded great. Now we are waiting to hear from him again. Moms, I would say prepare yourself, but I don't think it is possible! ( the website with the picture is:


tiki_lady said...

Yeah! so glad he got there safely.

Cynthia said...

I can not stop crying. This is ridiculous!! I have less than 1000 day until William leaves. Most days I think about it. I am a silly mom!!!!

I am so glad he is there! And safe and happy!

JeNece said...

grandma, I noticed that you did not mention me in your section "about me"

Your Grandson,

tiki_lady said...

Jenece, I am so glad you are blogging! I need to add you to the recipe blog that we have going.

Bryan said...

hey granny,

stop blabbering.


Sarah said...

My choice for what the grandchildren should call you only got one vote... sad :(

gretchen said...

OH my goodness. I am boo hooing. Sweetest boy. What a great thing. I am going to get my boys to read this when they get home from. Thanks for sharing. Love you guys

Teri Lynn said...

It was wonderful to read about the last few days with Zach. He is such an awesome guy. You sure know how to pack in lots in a few days. Good work on the blog. Keep it up.

Sarah said...

I think it's time for an update.

Erika said...

SISTER COLLINS! I'm excited to read your blog! I hope all goes well with Zach on the mission. Ruthann is in New Jersey, spanish speaking. Joseph and I are happy in Oregon and we have 2 beautiful girls. Check out our blog. :)

Sarah said...

Where are all of the pictures you've been taking?